About Us

The Colorado Friends of Democracy is a volunteer organization that formed in 2017 under the Indivisible banner to resist the Trump administration’s agenda. We provide research-based information and guidance to over 300 members who commit to use their voice to advocate for justice and the preservation of democracy.

Our Vision of the Future
A society that is just, equitable, compassionate, inclusive and provides every individual and future generations the opportunity to thrive.

Our Mission
We advocate at the national and state levels to preserve and protect our system of representative democracy and support efforts to:
• Hold all levels of government accountable for any and all unconstitutional and corrupt actions.
• Protect our environment
• Promote access to affordable health care
• Reduce the influence of money in politics
• Promote humane immigration policies
• Increase our state’s ability to access revenues for critical needs such as education, including support of efforts to modify TABOR
• Pass sensible gun safety measures
• Protect equal rights, including voting rights, reproductive freedoms, and LGBTQ rights
• Advance criminal justice reform

Our Strategy for 2022
We focus on issues in which we have expertise and capacity, and we prioritize actions to preserve and protect democracy.  In the midterm elections we seek to maintain or expand our Democratic majorities at every level of government. We will support Yadira Caraveo in the newly-drawn Congressional District 8 race and Brittany Petterson in District 7. In the Colorado General Assembly we will support Tom Sullivan and Lisa Cutter. On policy issues, we will focus on the right to abortion in Colorado and work to pass sensible gun laws to protect our citizens.

Our Tactics
• Provide research-based action alerts by email to members. Actions include calling/writing policymakers, canvassing for candidates or issues, donating to candidates or issues, attending events and rallies, among others.
• Sponsor or co-sponsor events aligned with our priorities
• Coordinate activities with other CO Indivisible groups
• Expand our reach by adding new members